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Showing :

Nocturnal animals

Learn about nocturnal animals, like bats and owls, that come out at night, and the noises they make.

Plants Under Pressure

Watch about plants at risk of extinction.

Why Do I Have Freckles?

Have you got freckles? Ever wondered what they are or why some people have them and others don’t?

How do animals adapt to their habitats?

Animals live in all sorts of different habitats.Can you think of an animal that lives where it is very dry?

How to make a hot air balloon – Do try this at home

Explore the science of hot air balloons and make your own at home.

Why Do We Need Sleep?

Jessi explains why it is we feel bad when we don't get enough sleep.

How do scientists use electricity to study fish populations

What is electrofishing? Join Josh Bernstein as he learns how electricity can be used to safely catch fish.

Earthworm Heroes

Did you know you can use mustard water to make earthworms come to the surface? Find out how in this video.

Meat-Eating Plants

Did you know some plants can attract, trap and then eat insects and some other even bigger animals?

Seeing the invisible

Ever wondered about magnetism in space? Find out more in this short video!

Reproduction in plants

A science presenter talks to a research scientist about the effect of temperature, water and oxygen on the germination of seeds.

How plants produce seeds

Learn about how plants are pollinated.

Mains power

Learn how electricity is made and supplied to your home.

Changes in the state of materials

Watch different materials change state!

Why Do Cuts Heal?

Scabs help stop the bleeding from a cut, but what are they made of and how do they form?

Operation Ouch

Hilarious twin doctors Chris and Xand explore the weirdest and most wonderful bits of medicine.

Adaptation of plant life to extreme cold temperatures

How do plants adapt to freezing Arctic temperatures?

Why Do We Have Belly Buttons?

The belly button forms just a few weeks after you are born but why do we have them?

JoJo and Gran Gran

Story videos for very young children to think about the world around them.

Where Did The Moon Come From?

How do you think the moon was made? In this video Jessie tells you what scientists think happened to create the moon!

The Science Of The String Phone

Learn about how sound travels and how to make a string phone to hear sounds from distances further away!

The dangers of electricity

See the dangers of approaching a powerful source of electricity!

An investigation of friction

Rapunzel wants to escape from her tower. Can the handsome prince help test her escape plan?

Unlimited Space Agency’s YouTube channel

Videos from 'The Space Shed' with Jon Spooner and Mini Jon.


Watch live feeds and videos from all around the world.

Healthy plant growth

Watch a runner bean seed grow roots, shoots and eventually seed pods!

Brain Freeze

Join Doctor Knowles and Doctor McCork as they answer some of your big science questions!

What internal adaptations do pandas have to eat bamboo?

Have you ever wondered why giant pandas eat so much bamboo?

Ultimate Brain

Join Dr Brain as he performs some science magic tricks!

Blow Your Mind

Dr Chris and Dr Xand delve into the world of nature.

Tree of life

Learn about the history of life on earth.

Grow Your Own Plants!

Plants need water, sunlight and soil to grow properly, but what happens if it doesn’t get these?

What’s a Meteor Shower

Have you seen a shooting star before? Did you know they are not actually stars?

Maddie Moate’s YouTube Channel

A collection of videos including, activities to try at home, 'Maddie and Greg's 'Adventures around the World' and 'Let's Go Live'.

The last mammoths

Why did woolly mammoths die out?

Parachute Adventure

Learn about how parachutes work and then make your own!

What external adaptations do pandas have for their unique diet?

How do pandas manage to chew tough bamboo?

What germs can be found on your hands?

Trish doesn't wash her hands all day and then visits a scientist to look at the microbes she's collected. What do you think they found?

The adventures of Electro Mouse

Learn an important electrical safety rule!

Colds, the Flu, and You

What causes a cold and how do we get rid of it?

Solar System Size and Distance

Do you know how planets compare in size and position in space?

Science at Work

Meet scientists of the past and present, to learn more about science in the workplace.

Curiosity Corner – answering questions about the brain

Feeling curious about what happens when you feel scared or why we get dizzy? Find out more in these short videos.